Please contact us before submitting a loan application.
To apply for a loan, please follow these steps:
- Print the HFL Borrower Cover Letter and the 2021 Borrower Application and review the instructions in the cover letter.
- Complete and sign the Borrower Application. Return it to us with a photocopy of your driver’s license or other government issued photo ID.
- Find a guarantor(s) who will pay back the loan if you are unable to do so for any reason. Your guarantor(s) must live in Pennsylvania or New Jersey. Your husband or wife cannot be a guarantor, nor can anyone who has a loan from us right now. A person can be a guarantor for only one loan at a time.
- Traditional loans up to $7,500 require 1 guarantor.
- Be A Family Fertility Fund and adoption loans at $15,000 require 2 guarantors.
- Give each guarantor the HFL Privacy Policy , 2021 Guarantor Application and the Credit Authorization Form to complete and return to us. Each guarantor must submit:
- a signed application;
- a signed Credit Authorization;
- a photocopy of their driver’s license or other government-issued photo ID.
Russian language documents
If you are more comfortable with Russian than with English, please download a copy of our Russian language documents for reference.
Russian language borrower documents
Russian language co-signer documents